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Writing talk...

It's funny how easily I've been blocked when writing. I was over five thousand words into a story I can't wait to finish when I wrote myself into a corner. Sometimes, a line I don't want to cross appears in a story, and I can't see my way past it. How can this character escape an untenable situation? And will they? Am I willing to go there? So, I put it aside. I hated the thought that I might not finish it. Every time in the past, I'd just take a walk (with the dog), and when I got back, sit down and write through it. That version of me disappeared in 2018. Well, tonight I had a revelation, and it's back in the cue along with two or three other works. The way past it was right there in my face, but unnoticed until now! Looks like 'Roadside Assistance' and several other work are wide open! The others are the sequel to Barren Earth, a number of stories in my Drifter World books, and of course, an ongoing fourth poetry book.

Thank you for visiting with me, and I appreciate the interest!
